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Supported File Extensions
last update: 2 sep 2024

In addition to the standard supported file formats, as listed below, Photo Supreme provides flexibility by allowing users to add custom file extensions. A short explanation on how this works is included below.

360 - GoPro Video Format
3FR - Hasselblad 3FR
ARW - Sony Alpha RAW file
AVI - Audio Video Interleave Format
BMP - Windows Bitmap Format
BW - SGI Black and White Format
CEL - Autodesk CEL Format
CR2 - Canon RAWv2 Format
CR3 - Canon RAWv3 Format
CRW - Canon RAW Format
CUT - Dr. Halo Format
DCR - Kodak Camera RAW Format
DIB - Windows DIB Bitmap Format
DNG - Abobe Digital Negative
ERF - Epson RAW Format
FAX - GFI Fax Format
FFF - Hasselblad 3F
FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec File Format
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
GPR - GO Pro RAW File
HDR - High Definition (HDR)
HEIC - High Efficiency Image File Format
HEIF - High Efficiency Image File Format
HIF - High Efficiency Image File Format
ICB - Truevision Format
IIQ - Phase One Intelligent Image Quality RAW file
INSP - Insta360 Camera Photo Format
INSV - Insta360 Camera Video Format
JFIF - Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPE - Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
KDC - Kodak Digital RAW Format
M4V - Media QuickTime Video Format
MOS - Leaf RAW Format
MOV - MOV QuickTime File Format
MP4 - Media QuickTime File Format
MRW - Minolta RAW Format
NEF - Nikon RAW Format
NRW - Nikon RAW Format v2
ORD - Olympus RAW Data
ORF - Olympus RAW Format
PBM - Portable Bit Map Format
PCD - Photo CD Format
PDD - Adobe PhotoDeluxe Format
PDF - Portable Document Format
PEF - Pentax RAW Format
PGM - Portable Gray Map Format
PIC - Autodesk PIC Format
PNG - Portable Network Graphic Format
PPM - Portable Pixel Map Format
PSB - Adobe Photoshop Large Document Format
PSD - Adobe Photoshop Document Format
PSP - Paintshop Pro Format
PSPIMAGE - Paintshop Pro Image Format
RAF - Fuji RAW Format
RAW - RAW Format
RGB - SGI True Color Format
RGBA - SGI True Color Alpha Format
RLA - Alias Wavefront Format
RLE - Windows Run Length Encoded Bitmap Format
RPF - Wavefront Format
RW2 - Panasonic RAWv2 Format
RWL - RAW Leica Format
SGI - SGI True Color Format
SR2 - Sony RAWv2 Format
SRF - Sony RAW Format
SRW - Samsung RAW Format
THM - Thumb File (JPEG)
TIF - Tagged Image File
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
TXT - Text Format
VDA - Truevision Format
WEBP - Web Picture Format
WIN - Truevision Format
X3F - Sigma RAW Format


Adding Custom File Extensions in Photo Supreme

  1. Adding Custom File Extensions:

    • Go to Preferences: Open Photo Supreme and navigate to the Preferences menu.

    • File Handling Section: Locate the section labeled File Handling.

    • Other File Extensions: Within the File Handling section, you will find an option called Other File Extensions.

    • Add Extensions: Here, you can manually add any custom file extensions that are not natively supported by Photo Supreme. For instance, you could add proprietary formats or less common file types used in specific workflows.

  2. Managing Files with Custom Extensions:

    • Once these extensions are added, Photo Supreme can manage these files within its catalog. This includes organizing, searching, and assigning metadata to these files just like it does with its natively supported formats.

    • Files with these custom extensions can be tagged, categorized, and included in collections, which helps in maintaining a centralized organization system for various file types.

  3. Thumbnail and Preview Generation:

    • Relying on the Operating System: For these custom file extensions, Photo Supreme relies on the operating system (OS) to generate thumbnails and previews. This means that if the OS can generate a thumbnail or preview, Photo Supreme will display it within the interface. If the OS does not support thumbnail or preview generation for a particular file type, Photo Supreme may display a generic icon instead.

    • Using External Applications: If necessary, you can configure the system to use specific applications to handle these file types, which may enhance the ability of the OS to generate previews.

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