New in Photo Supreme v2025
February 18, 2025
Scroll down for Additions, Improvements & Fixes per Build Number
Highlights for 2025
Advanced Searching
Tethered Folders
Integrated Photo Backup
Sharpness attribute
Artificial Intelligence with OpenAI, the engine behind ChatGPT, or a local AI service with Ollama
Integrates with macOS Sharing including AirDrop and macOS Messages
PostgreSQL 17 support in the Server Edition
For more details, see the complete list below
Added Advanced Search feature
Added Tethered Folder monitoring
Added an integrated photo backup feature, including scheduling
Added sharpness as a cataloging parameter for sorting or stack top-picking
Added a "Filter by Metadata" option in the FILTER button
Added Artificial Intelligence panel with OpenAI (the engine behind ChatGPT) integration
Added Artificial Intelligence panel with Ollama (a locally installed AI service) integration
Added support for macOS sharing in a Sharing Profile for tighter integration with macOS
Added integrated Text Expansion list editor
Added W shortcut for "Stretch fit" in the Viewer
Added an option to the Application's dock icon to start a second instance of the application on macOS
Added support for the Canon CRM (Canon RAW Movie) file format
Added Crushed Shadows display in the Image Viewer
Added Photo Supreme Online website pages in teh Server Edition
Added right click-support to the Dynamic Search, Favorites, Catalog Filter, Dynamic Collections to allow operations such as greater than, less then, etc
Added PostgreSQL 17 support for the Server Edition
Added support for the Sequoia coal appearance
Added caching for Google GPS Reverse Lookups within a 2 meter radius
Added a Tools sub-panel to the left sidebar for easier access to the available tools such as de-duplicator, searching, scripting, tethering, or user management (server edition)
Added a copy/paste feature to the Image Details for easier copying of data between features that use image details
Added a visual indicator to the Image Viewer to represent the position of an image in the set. This helps knowing where the image is in the Collection
Added an option to make it possible to redate a full stack from the dialog
Added support for time zone offsets in metadata
Added a new setting for Catalog Labels to allow a Text Expansion Abbreviation. This makes it easier to use the catalog label name in metadata fields.
Added lossless rotation support for MOV/MP4 and other Quicktime formats (only possible for files where the dimensions are available in the track data)
Added options to switch the GEO Panel Maps display to Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid and Terrain
Added "smallest", "RAW over non-RAW" and "Non RAW over RAW" as deduplicate keeper pick methods
Added a click to a thumb in the Deduplicator to see a larger preview of the image
Added a %textexp macro command to allow using text expansion abbreviations in macros
Added %video macros for Creation Stamp (%video:creation), Duration (%video:duration), and Frame Rate (%video:framerate)
Added Image Details as part of a Sharing Profile to allow setting custom details for shared images.
Added a copy/paste option for a Dynamic Search Group
Added %OSClipboard macro to return text on the OS clipboard
ART (Another Raw Therapee) is recognized as an external application on a new installation
Added support for ART (Another Raw Therapee) its ARP sidecar files
Added "Soft Shadows" tone curve as a new preset
Added encoding option when configuring a macro element in the rename dialog
Added System Variable entry in the Macro Values popup
Improved font quality drawing on lower resolution monitors
Reimplemented the SmugMug interface
Added + icon to portfolios to create (sub) collections
Changed the Windows dark theme for Windows 11
Faster drawing of the color bars below thumbs
Redesigned GEO/GPS panel for improved usability
Improved thumbnail quality
Improved performance of thumb drawing in the Catalog Tree
When Alt-Drag/Drop a label to another label you can now edit the relationship details after drop
Completely re-implemented the Full Screen Image Viewer for improved performance and robustness
Stars in Info Panel are now gray instead of orange
You can now copy/paste one or more images to another image to create or add to a stack
Improved support for non-image format on macOS by using the Apple ImageIO framework instead of the QuickLook framework for more extensive and unified file loading of such formats (eg HEIC files)
The Downloader now shows the photo date and target file name below the thumbnails
Cleaner Image Controls bar in the Image Viewer leaves more space for the image itself
The Quick Select/Stack Select and Version Select option in the Image Viewer now present a filmstrip for easier use.
Added support for lr:weightedFlatSubject and handling differences with dc:subject
There's now an option for the ICS read setting check on startup to "remind again in 30 days"
In the search bar, the space character is now interpreted as an AND instead of OR combination
Improved and more reliable auto-synchronizing process
Faster thumb drawing
Stacks are also exported during Export to Catalog
Modal Dialogs are extra highlighted by dimming the application behind the dialog.
Faster stack and version detection for large sets
Faster Canon CR3 loading and more robust CR3 metadata loading
Higher quality for on-thumb icons such as rating stars, bookmarks, video indicator, and color labels.
Redesigned login dialog
Improved scaling of the selected frames on thumbnails
Improved navigation with cursor keys in the Light Table when in-between boxes are locked
When adding a selection to a portfolio collection, you can select multiple collections
Bookmark names are now also searchable using the Search Bar
Stack Marker names are now also searchable using the Search Bar
Improved progress visual feedback for the import feature
The Light Table now opens on the preferred monitor for the Viewer
Improved color tone curve drawing for points in the diagram
Improved overall screen drawing performance
Allow the use of the Delete Dialog for images not yet in the Catalog (eg in the Downloader)
Added hint texts to the button in the Image Viewer's Control Bar
Added shortcuts for the Quick, Stack, and Version selection in the Image Viewer
Added support for more Canon maker note fields and values
Reintroduced the Z and A Image Viewer keyboard shortcuts for Original and Best fit
Performance improvement on import
When using "Always write XMP sidecar files" then PSU writes the sidecar file for MOV/HEIC pairs that exist in the same folder as .XMP for the HEIC and .MOV.XMP for the MOV
Faster startup in Windows when a non-connected drive shares exists in the Catalog
Horizontal Collection Viewers (thumb sets) can now be scroll horizontally with the mouse wheel
Improved Catalog Label details panel constraints
You can now store a favorite as a Dynamic Collection in a Portfolio
Improved Video Overlay drawing quality on thumbnails and in the Viewer
Improved scrolling speed through sets of thumbnails with lots of Videos
In the + drop down popup for Favorites, Dynamic Search, and Catalog Filter you can now select all properties from the Detail panel
Improved how different timeline items are combined when operators are used
Improved visual feedback for face recognition when detections were made
The login dialog now opens on the application is started from instead of the main monitor
Added a Face Recognition button to the Image Viewer's control bar
Performance improvements for searching for metadata in large databases
Some performance optimalizations when using some specific items in the Metadata Search
Search results now open in the same search tab, unless Alt/Opt is pressed
The Search Bar returns results faster when using multiple combinations (AND/OR/NOT)
On macOS, ARW files are now loaded using ImageIO for higher compatibility
In a search result its caption, the search string is now properly formatted eg alex dean is shown as alex AND dean
It is now possible to use the Tab Key in the Image Viewer to tab between areas
Changed the captions in the Memories section to Days, Weeks and Months
Improved file date reading/writing using correct time zones
Renewed the Web Update dialog in Windows
Improved performance while resizing the main application form
Increased the threshold to request a Compact of the database(s) in the Single User Edition
Improved switching extension in rename panel
Added shortcut to open the Loupe in the Light Table
Improved line wrapping in controls that show HTML text
Several improvements for the wording in messages
Added a "Create new catalog" option in the Login dialog
Added Data Mining for PLUS, and Genre and EventID properties for IPTC-Ext XMP definitions
Renewed the icons in an Email Profile
Improved how some conditions in a user role are handled when joined with a search (Server Edition)
It is now possible to store the result of a (folder) transfer profile as a stack
Added %ImageMegapixels macro
Cosmetic change for the Message Dialogs
Improved how an assigned Event Label is picked to be written to the metadata Event field when multiple event catalog labels are assigned
Added support for some Leica specific maker notes tags
Fix for a cat label's description not showing as hint text after first entering it.
Fix for drawing the gray (non defined) color label
Fix for "Flagged" bookmark not visually distinguishable in the Light theme
Fix for not showing the correct sub text in a message dialog when called from a background thread
Fix for a possible Access Violation while renaming files on macOS
Fix for "favorite" toggle (Ctrl+Space) not always working as expected
Fix for not correctly changing the Title field after renaming a file
Fix for possible memory leak during import
Fix for States -> Folder States not showing the content unless the counter is clicked
Fix for rotation button's stroke thickness
Fix for possible Access Violation when using History Back/Forward
Fix for click accuracy of the Favorites and Dynamic Search mini-hamburger menu
Fix for possible Access Violation when using the Collection Viewer's Back and Forward in history buttons
Fix for removing ratings from the Dynamic Search, Favorite, and Catalog Filter
Fix for sometimes unexpecting change of the sort order after switching to another set of images
Fix for possible degradation in drawing speed while using the scrollbar track thumb buttons in the Image Viewer
Fix for stack markers not being drawn when viewed stacked when the top item has no stack marker assigned
Fix for restoring form position on a second when the 2nd monitor is placed to the left of the main (negative values)
Fix for possible Collection Viewer hick-up when repeatedly using the arrow keys
Fix for slow drawing when a thumb is being loaded in the background while in a repeat-key sequence (eg keep the down key pressed)
Fix for "Export to CSV" not writing a BOM to the export file
Fix for not properly writing/reading MWG regions when the orientation is one of the "flipped" orientations
Fix for the Face Detection removing a "focus" area when that area overlaps with a detected face
Fix for an issue when searching for float valued metadata properties (eg F-Number)
Fix for possible application stall while parsing Macros containing %exif and %xmp macros
Fix for Stock Marker name not being searchable after changing its name in the Preferences
Fix for not being able to add a new collection in the Select Portfolio Collection dialog when a portfolio holds no pre-existing collections
Fix for click on some thumb icons keep sticking
Fix for not showing the label name in "Merge Label" and "Relocate Label"
Several fixes for the Grid display
Fix for slightly offset video icon in the Viewer
Fix for scheduled "verification" or backups which are scheduled to run once at a later moment in time
Fix for search alternatives popping up, even after pressing the return key to start the search operation
Fix for not reading metadata for some kinds of Nikon video files
Fix for not showing structured fields when used in the Info Panel
Fix for some non-functional shortcuts in the Light Table
Fix for not parsing P attributes in HTML tags
Fix for nor using update user role authorization in the HTTP Server when changed after the role has been cached (Server Edition)
Fix for a possible stall when creating folders in the catalog
Fix for possible stall when opening an image Full Screen
Fix for not always sync-writing when no labels are assigned
Fix for missing scrollbar in Adjust ->Filters
Fix for check boxes now showing properly in the Preferences when a section is expanded
Fix for slightly increasing size of the Catalog Labels popup in Download Profile
Fix for Alt+Enter not working in the Search Bar
Fix for not reliably handing embedded XMP in HEIC files when multiple XMP resources exist
Fix for not always properly restoring the focus to a field after a message is displayed
Fix for not always reliably identifying if there is an active internet connection