New in Photo Supreme
March 21, 2022
Scroll down for Additions, Improvements & Fixes per Build Number
Highlights for 6.7
Added a "see all images" option for catalogs containing < 500K images
Up to 10 times faster to open large collections (50K+)
Up to 10 times less memory usage
Improved progress feedback on large imports
Retrieving "Imported" items now respect catalog filter as well as optional authorization restrictions
For more details, see the complete list below
Build 4128; Added "XMP Schemas" editor schema in the Image Details panel
Build 4064; Catalogs with < 500K images now have the "see all catalog items" option below the left side Catalog Explorer
Build 4032; Added support for the new IPTC fields: "Alt Text" and "Extended Description"
Build 3989; Added support for special characters using "press-and-hold" (e.g. press e-key and keep the key pressed)
Build 3949; Added support for Windows 11
Build 3932; Added feature to cascade metadata to a stack
Build 3916; Added "Stretched Fit" (Shift+A) in the IMage Viewer so that smaller images can be stretched to fit
Build 3860; Added support for reading metadata from Canon HIF files
Build 3837; Added support in the Server Edition for Active Directory on the Windows platform
Build 3837; Added new State for "Stack Top Items"
Build 3837; Added %exif:videoframerate and %exif:videoduration macros
Build 3790; Added support for importing IMatch ICMSX files
Build 3776; Added an option to "enlarge slide show images if smaller" to fit the bounds
Build 3776; Added an option to "auto advanced in slideshow"
Build 3755; A new "XMP Storage Location" is available for the Sync Preferences: "XMP Standard with sidecar file"
Build 3694; When hovering a catalog label's thumb then it is displayed enlarged
Build 3694; The + icon in the Dynamic Search and Favorites now includes a search box for faster selection
Build 3677; Added a preference setting that allow you to configure the application's accent color
Build 3575; Added a new option for "full screen" slide shows
Added a new Catalog Filter feature that allows you to define a filter that applies application wide (also in the Catalog Tree)
Light/Dark User Interface Theme with option for automatic switching based on your time zone
New and improved Image Details Editor
Added an option to allow Stack Detection in the Verification Results panel
Added "Typed" Areas as per the IPTC Regions Standard (e.g. human, geographical location, product)
Added new Light Table Box locking feature that allows you to lock individual boxes
Added a Light Table toolbar for easier feature accessibility
Added new preference setting to always store XMP in sidecar
Added support for AppleRAW DNG files
Added Click-To-Zoom as an option in the Viewer (use Shift+Click for "Click to Zoom" when the option is OFF)
Added the "Plus:Licensee" field to the Advanced Detail editor
Added User Group authorizations in Server Edition to make it easier to collectively assign user authorizations for identified groups of users
Added thumb sort Ascending/Descending to the Import Module
Added User Search feature for the Server Edition
Added setting for "Square Thumbs" (cropped to 1:1) display in the Collection Viewer
Added support for LongFileNames when running under "Windows 10 version 1607" or higher
Added support for Color Management on a per-file-extension base (each extension can have individual Color Management Settings)
Added hierarchical indicator where applicable for items in the Catalog Tree
Added support for PostgreSQL 13 in the Server Edition
Added a drop down option in States to allow the selection of a specific Marked Folder
Add + button for Favorites and Dynamic Search boxes to make it easier to add new items to these boxes
Added support for GPX Track display in the GEO Panel
Added Configurable Editor Type for custom fields (memo/text for example but also predefined sets of text options)
Added Version and Stack Detection support for "Parent Sibling" and "Root" folder
Added thumb sort Ascending/Descending to the Import Module
Added macro drop down for Version Scope rule and Stacking Scope rule
Added thumb cleaning when doing a "search for missing thumbs and previews"
Build 4182; Added the possibility to define Active Directory connectivity string as CSV text to bypass line feed limitations
Build 4139; Sort By Import Date and Sort By Last Updated are now native sort options
Build 4131; Updated Russian Translations
Build 4126; Windows installation files are now code signed with SHA256 certificate instead of SHA1
Build 4124; Update French translations
Build 4117; When manually changing the Iptc4xmpExt:Event in the Image Details then that will also be sync'd as a Catalog Label
Build 4117; When manually changing the dc:subject in the Image Details then that will also be sync'd as Catalog Labels
Build 4117; When manually changing the Iptc4xmpExt:PersonInImage in the Image Details then that will also be sync'd as Catalog Labels
Build 4117; When manually changing the Iptc4xmpExt:ArtworkOrObject in the Image Details then that will also be sync'd as Catalog Labels
Build 4090; Improved accuracy for "Mark not in catalog" of the Import Module when Copying is part of the profile
Build 4090; "Mark not in catalog" in the Import Module is now also available for MTP/WPD connected devices on Windows
Build 4090; Added support for INSP files and metadata reading for INSV files
Build 4074; Faster reloading (refresh) a collection in the Collection Viewer
Build 4064; Improved progress/feedback when deleting files with the option to also delete from folder
Build 4064; Up to 10x faster in opening very large sets of images (>50K) in the Collection Viewer
Build 4064; Improved progress for large import sessions
Build 4064; Retrieving "Imported" items now respect catalog filer as well as optional authorization restrictions
Build 4064; Improved performance for reading selected images
Build 4064; Faster drop downs in Filter Bar for File Type and Catalog Labels
Build 4064; Slightly faster JPEG loading
Build 4047; The "Sort by Macro Command" script now also allows saving/loading
Build 4035; Faster GEO label assignments when enabled in a Import Profile
Build 4035; The link button for an Area now allows selecting an applicable label from a drop down when no applicable labels are assigned
Build 4032; Added Visual Feedback when sorting by script
Build 4010; Added Alt+Ctrl + drag/drop to copy drag
Build 4006; Smart keyboard cursor repeating (slow to fast)
Build 3997; Photo Supreme now allows renaming the letter case of folder names
Build 3989; Slight overall performance improvement
Build 3989; More responsive Image Details when different sections are expanded
Build 3989; Fine tuned the keyboard repeat rate
Build 3989; Photo Supreme can be installed under Windows 10/11-ARM to run under Windows' x86_64 Emulator
Build 3949; Redesigned Database Transaction system for more stability
Build 3929; Added %distancebetween macro for Version Detection. The parameter is always in meters; e.g. %distancebetween{10} means check in a distance radius of 10 meters
Build 3929; Defined MKV and WEBM extensions as video file extensions
Build 3923; Updated French translations
Build 3923; Added a rudimentary form of padding support in the mini-HTML
Build 3923; Added %FileKind macro
Build 3923; Added %IsRAW %/IsRAW macro conditional block and added %NotIsRAW %/NotIsRAW macro conditional block
Build 3916; Added <SPAN alt=""> attribute to mini-HTML
Build 3899; Faster RAW development (when needed) result doing that all in-memory
Build 3885;Performance increase when restricting user access to category/categories in the Server Edition
Build 3877; Parent Dropdown in the label details now uses more vertical space when available
Build 3874; Improved handling for Placeholders in Versions section
Build 3874; Faster display of Portfolios when they have transfer data defined
Build 3863; You can now drag/drop a label from the Image Details to the Favorites or Dynamic Search box
Build 3858; You can now drag/drop a folder from the Catalog Explorer to a configured external application. The folder name(s) will then be passed on to the application
Build 3858; Improved support for LocationCreated/LocationShown GPS coordinates
Build 3858; Newly created place labels are now only mapped to LocationCreated instead of LocationCreated and LocationShown
Build 3851; Updated Italian translations
Build 3845; Added %ImageLongestSide and %ImageShortestSide macros
Build 3845; Added Export/Import for Custom Thumb Info Sets
Build 3845; Added repository integration for Custom Thumb Info Sets
Build 3837; More QuickTime header parsing
Build 3837; Improved X3F support
Build 3837; Larger Area-grips
Build 3837; Zoom factor for thumbnails can now be set per tab
Build 3837; Redesigned the sync process to a Session
Build 3837; Updated Italian Translations
Build 3808; Updated Russian Translations
Build 3801; Updated French translations
Build 3793; When using the sync setting for "replace catalog labels keywords" then private and non-keyword catalog labels are not removed when reading metadata to the Catalog
Build 3780; Smarter use of previews in the Slideshow module
Build 3755; 30% faster response time when retrieving from the Catalog database
Build 3755; Improved performance after Verify Folder and importing changed files
Build 3755; Added additional HTML "style" properties for border-width, border-color, and border-radius
Build 3755; Updates SQLite to 3.35
Build 3755; Improved error handling in integrated Repository
Build 3755; Updated French translations
Build 3755; Updated Dutch translations
Build 3755; Redesign of the database model
Build 3717; Updated French translations
Build 3709; Further improved thumb drawing quality on 100% scaled monitor
Build 3705; In the Import Module, the possible pre-, post-, and copy-script use a fixed convention to prevent the user from selecting a wrong type of script
Build 3705; Improved thumb drawing quality on 100% scaled monitor
Build 3694; The Filter By Macro Command script now includes options for "blank" and "not is blank"
Build 3689; Improved color contrast for Folder States
Build 3689; In the Server Edition, an Admin user can now "take ownership" for a user-created label set
Build 3689; Reorganized the General Tab in Preferences
Build 3685; Added expand option for array typed fields in the Image Details
Build 3677; The image zoom factor is now maintained when sequencing through a set of images
Build 3677; Improved Sharpening (when enabled) consistency in the Image Viewer over the full zoom range
Build 3677; Faster drawing when scrolling an image in the Image Viewer, either while dragging a zoomed image or dragging the scroll bars
Build 3667; Updated French Translations
Build 3667; Google API key in the preferences is now displayed "protected"
Build 3657; Slightly improved overall performance
Build 3638; Slightly faster version thumb drawing
Build 3638; Improved visual feedback during a large database upgrade step
Build 3635; When compacting the catalog, then on macOS, the registry database is also compacted
Build 3622; Added support for CaptureOne 141 sidecar folder
Build 3622; "Filter by Macro Command" now has a "Greater Than" and "Less Than" option
Build 3613; Higher quality for the counter numbers
Build 3608; Added an option to a Label Set's menu to allow pasting Catalog Labels from clipboard
Build 3604; Improved performance for Search Bar text
Build 3602; Faster switching to "manual sort" for large portfolio collection
Build 3602; Nikon NX Studio is now detected as an external application
Build 3602; Nikon NX Studio Sidecar Files are handled
Build 3587; Improved contrast for fonts in Dark and Light Themes
Build 3546; Updated Italian Translations
Smoother thumbnail scrolling; about 40% faster than in V5
Smoother changing of thumbnail zoom percentage
Smoother zoom in/out in the Image Viewer
Smoother animation of Preferences display
Improved performance for group tiled thumbnails
Improved performance when changing the rating or color label for large sets of selected images
Improved performance when switching between catalog sections
Reimplemented the Version Tabs on a thumb
When Multiple thumbs are selected for Image Details then identical values for all images are displayed
Now Alt+Insert shortcut can be used to insert a sibling in the Catalog Tree
Improved performance for the Collection Viewer when set to Grid mode
More consistent writing of metadata to version sets
PSU now allows reading "float" values in xmp:Rating field (by standard it should be Integer and when a float is found it will be truncated)
Improved performance for Image Details editor
You can now retrieve the User History for a specific period in the Server Edition
OCR Detected text is now also searchable with the search box
Eliminated the "View Button" and replaced it with a settings bar below the thumbnails
New Custom Thumb Info design
You can now use shortcuts + and - for zoom in/out in the LightTable
View settings are now persisted in the database instead of the registry
Larger Version Tabs layout with a custom icon for Main versions
Custom Thumb Info can now differ per-user in the Server Edition (used to be public for all users in V5)
Improved contrast drawing of the assignment counts on a thumbnails
Description field in the Info Panel is larger
Verification Service can now use multiple background threads (was 1)
Default setting for Preview size is now fixed at 1440
Smoother thumb selection after using the left/right/up/down keys
Improved performance in the LAP with the Artificial Intelligence section expanded/opened
Continuous Progress display when ingesting results from Verify Folder to better indicate that the application is working
Improved screen handling performance while dragging the Quick Preview over the thumbs
Added more detectable external applications
Improved performance when a user has "excluded" rights in the Server Edition
A new lock screen in the Server Edition that no longer blocks the background processes while displayed
Improved details in Thread Service Error reporting
Improved feedback when trying to drag non-available files to outside of the application (Alt+Drag)
Build 4216; Fix for applying Image Details Panel to a large set of images
Build 4210; Fix for Verify Quick on macOS which could report false positives
Build 4201; Fix for some none functional sort scripts
Build 4195; Fix for Dynamic Search to search for multiple XMP values combined for the same XMP property
Build 4188; Fix for possible Access Violation when trying to open a versioned image in the Viewer that is part of a version set with one or more other images that load to an error loading
Build 4173; Fix for Version Detection which in some cases wouldn't find multiple results if the found "main version" applies multiple times
Build 4173; Fix for possible Foreign Key violation error that could occur after storing a version with a placeholder
Build 4165; Fix for folder names not being searchable after mapping to another folder
Build 4160; Fix for reading GPX time stamps for track points that do not have any time zone information
Build 4154; Fix for a SmugMug method call that SmugMug have removed recently
Build 4146; Fix for "Search for Missing Thumbs and Previews" not always working
Build 4146; In the Single Edition: Catalog Name in Preferences is now displayed as flat text to prevent confusion
Build 4143; Fix for not returning versioned images when searching for a path name in the search box
Build 4135; Fix in reference in SQLite3 library on macOS
Build 4133; Fix for Open dialogs not have the extensions in the drop down sorted
Build 4133; Fix for an application stall when opening the LightTable for a set with just one image
Build 4131; Fix for collapsing top level root folder after Import or Verify Folder
Build 4131; Fix for not showing manual sort order in a Portfolio Collection after revisiting the folder
Build 4126; Fix for possible error when clicking a thumb while deleting thumbs
Build 4124; Fix for possible performance drop when paring if %ImageFileSize for fully imported images
Build 4124; Fix for possibly not parsing slide show captions
Build 4124; Improved performance when filtering with a script
Build 4120; Fix for filtering by script
Build 4120; Fix for possibly creating a new Miscellaneous category when the was previously renamed
Build 4117; Fix for Object labels from Iptc4xmpExt:ArtworkOrObject not being converted to Catalog Labels
Build 4111; Fix for not unselecting earlier ingested/copied images in the Import Module on macOS
Build 4108; Fix for reading details for larger sets of selected images
Build 4106; Fix for possible window overlap after opening an image full screen while in “full screen mode”
Build 4104; Fix for possible Access Violation when deleting images from the catalog directly after doing a compact or backup of the catalog
Build 4101; Fix for possible Access Violation when rebuilding the Label Assignment Panel
Build 4101; Fix for "field not exists" error when expanding the filter bar to show the time line
Build 4101; Fix for not being able to set the edit state (replace/clear/...) for some GPS fields in an Image Detail Profile
Build 4098; Fix for incorrect counts on related catalog labels in the Catalog Explorer when a Catalog Filter is active or user authorization restriction are defined in the Server Edition
Build 4098; Fix for non-functional "Redate" feature on assets from a currently offline medium
Build 4098; Fix for reading previews for MOV files
Build 4094; Fix for not persisting "Other File Extensions" in the preferences
Build 4093; Fix for non-image formats loading at lower resolution than needed in the Image Viewer/Light Table
Build 4090; Fix for possible Access Violation when deleting an image from the Light Table
Build 4090; Fix for possible Exception while deleting images with the Image Viewer open
Build 4082; Fix for Access Violation when the sort order is set to "Cataloged Y/N"
Build 4080; Fix for slow handling after deleting items from a large collections
Build 4078; Fix for possible AV while closing a form
Build 4078; Fix in Favorites and Dynamic Search for partial overlap when the vertical scrollbar is visible
Build 4078; Fix for incorrectly showing versions in the full screen view of an image
Build 4074; Fix for %ImageIndex macro always returning 0
Build 4074; Fix for Access Violation when opening a Versioned image in the Image Viewer
Build 4074; Fix for not being able to move forward in the Image Viewer passed the last constructed collection viewer item
Build 4064; Fix for offset drawing of separators in some menus
Build 4064; Fix for when disabling ICS writing then optionally pre-existing ICS would not be removed on sync
Build 4064; Fix for ignoring the configured delimiter for keyword writing in Sync-Write/Read settings
Build 4064; Fixed possible SQL statement error when counting parent Portfolio Collections volume
Build 4047; Updated deployment libraries on macOS that has a minimum macOS requirement set to a value higher than 10.12
Build 4042; Fix for not backing up the thumbs database in the Single User edition
Build 4042; Fix for "Filter by Macro Command" that could raise an exception when using using "Greater than" or "Smaller than"
Build 4038; Fix for writing PSD files that contain nameless photoshop resources in the metadata
Build 4035; Fix for Visual Feedback when sorting with script
Build 4035; Fix for writing PSD files that contain nameless photoshop resources in the metadata
Build 4029; Fix for an Access Violation when trying to compact the Thumbs database in the Single User edition
Build 4029; Fix for possible incorrect verification error reporting after backup in the Single User edition
Build 4026; Fix for possible "Key violation" exception during import of images
Build 4026; Fix for a possible error after restoring a catalog in the Single User Edition
Build 4023; Fix for possible performance drop after opening Image Viewer while the Image Details Panel is open
Build 4023; Fix for possible "not a valid float" error in Image Details
Build 4023; Fix for lower quality icons in the Image Details
Build 4019; Fix for editing bag typed of fields in the Image Details
Build 4015; Fix for possible keyboard repeat issue on some clients
Build 4012; Fix for drag drop to an external application while holding down the Alt key in Windows
Build 4012; Fix for possible "unreadable message" when writing metadata to PSD files (part 2)
Build 4012; Fixed a message text when trying to drag unavailable thumbs to an external application
Build 4006; Fix for after relocating a folder that is set as the root folder then the Folder would not be visible after the relocation
Build 4006; Fix for possible "unreadable message" when writing metadata to PSD files
Build 4006; Fix for possible Access Violation when changing collections
Build 4001; Fix for Access Violation when closing a popup menu with the Escape key
Build 4000; Fix for not using the correct registry key location on startup
Build 3997; Fix for not correctly setting the Application Data Folder while starting the application
Build 3995; Fix for the default installation location when installing on macOS
Build 3995; Fix for not creating the registry database on the first startup for new installations on macOS
Build 3992; Fix for not allowing the database selection in the login dialog on Windows
Build 3989; Some readability fixes in the Download Module with Light mode
Build 3989; Fix for possible Access Violation when right clicking a custom field and then using the menu
Build 3989; Fix for possible thumb flickering when dragging the scrollbar quickly
Build 3989; Fix for possible incorrect mouse pointer while dragging
Build 3989; Fixed for drag/drop
Build 3955; Fix for possible error during import on Server for SQLServer
Build 3953; Fix for not always using a collective transaction
Build 3941; When Exif tag 0xa434 exists with an empty value then PSU will now continue checking for other fields to determine the lens specification
Build 3941; Fixed Windows 11 identification method
Build 3939; Fix for file system "file changed" notifications not working on Windows
Build 3939; Fix for incorrect rotating of a LEICA DNG file
Build 3939; Fix for opening the Adjust Panel when the Adjust button is clicked for a "Other File Extension" kind of file
Build 3939; Added an extra pre-check if a folder is writeable when dragging a folder to another folder.
Build 3934; Fix Fix for ignoring the last passed command line parameter
Build 3932; Fix for possible poof-crash when corruption exists in the metadata of a file.
Build 3929; Fix for image details not being updated when change in bulk to an empty value
Build 3929; Fix for a short flicker when entering the full screen mode of the viewer
Build 3929; Fix for a possible application stall when a continuous progress needs to be started while another continuous progress is running
Build 3929; Fix for triggering the "Ingest List" when Photo Supreme is started with command line parameters that don't have the purpose of importing files/folders
Build 3923; Fix for Folder State being reset when the folder is moved to a new parent folder
Build 3923; Fix for macOS typing issue in Image Details when suggestions are shown in a structured or bag field type
Build 3916; Fix for Catalog Label thumb displaying too small directly after drag/drop
Build 3912; Fix for a possible issue that could occur during SQLServer database conversion from 3028 to 3033
Build 3903; Fix for not filling the FilePath cache table when upgrading a SQLServer database
Build 3899; Fix for sometimes double rotating of RAW files
Build 3899; Fix for reported image dimensions for Fuji RAF files
Build 3899; Fix for sometimes not updating incorrect pre-existing dimensions after using "Convert from Metadata"
Build 3899; Fix for sometimes RAW files being displayed with slightly off-colors
Build 3895; Fix for removing the search details from the catalog when assigning a color label or rating
Build 3895; Fix for when Auto Sync is switched off and catalog labels are assigned on Ingesting then the added labels will not be written to the file.
Build 3893; Fix for handling folder rename on macOS
Build 3891; Fix for error when selecting a specific Folder State in Catalog -> States -> Folder State
Build 3888; Fix for copy/paste of multiline text on macOS
Build 3888; Fix for non-functional scrolling in Windows when the mouse is configured as "One screen at a time"
Build 3881; Fix for populating placeholder results as introduced in 3874
Build 3874; Fix for writing metadata to the file during Ingesting when the ingest option to assign catalog labels is enabled, but the Sync-Write setting to write to the database only is also enabled
Build 3874; Fix for non-functional watermarks
Build 3874; Fix for Color Space display for Canon files when AdobeRGB
Build 3863; Changed shortcut for copy/paste Label Assignments to clipboard to Win+Alt+C and Win+Alt+V (Cmd+Opt+C/Cmd+Opt+V)
Build 3852; Fix for memory consumption while generating thumbs/previews
Build 3845; Fix when nesting a group with only freetextsearch inside another group. That would lead to a wrong result
Build 3840; Fix in the Import Module's Image Details
Build 3837; Fix when loading a rename rule that uses the %FileExtension macro inside a script
Build 3837; Fix for not raising errors in the Batcher when a rename rule contains a script with errors
Build 3837; Fix for Info Display not showing the histogram in Theme (light/dark) colors when in Full Screen view
Build 3837; Fix for search box not always giving correct results in the Single User Edition
Build 3837; Fix for some untranslated captions in the Image Details
Build 3837; Fix for not applying changes after using the Globe icon in the Image Details
Build 3837; Fix for ImportDate sometimes not showing the right value in the Rename Dialog
Build 3837; Fix for non-functional shortcut on macOS to open an image in Adjust mode
Build 3837; Fix for display of the macro %xmp:exif:ExposureBiasValue when the value is negative
Build 3837; Fix for an exception when changing to a color label that has an apostrophe defined in its name
Build 3837; Fix for sometimes not fully functional Version Detection when ticked in the Verify Folder results
Build 3837; Fix for possibly showing Leica DNG files in the wrong orientation
Build 3837; Fix for cardinality of the LocationCreated field
Build 3837; Fix for a Catalog Browser (Server Edition) being able to drag photos to Photo Supreme to have them imported
Build 3808; Fix for possible exception after removing an item from a collection while not in Grid mode
Build 3808; Fix for Batch output folder selection when the list exceeds 8 items
Build 3801; Fix for %exiftool:* macros not functional
Build 3798; Fix for sometimes not painting a thumb icon in the Grid mode
Build 3798; Fix for not always updating number of rows after deleting items
Build 3795; Fix for a possible Database Syntax error when an authorization condition is set in the Server Edition
Build 3790; Fix for parsing %originaldate, %descriptiondate, and %digitizeddate macro date values
Build 3790; Fix for possible black TIF files after syncing
Build 3785; Fix for sometimes the Creator, Copyright, and Description not sticking when entered in the Info Panel
Build 3782; Fix for possible Access Violation in the drop down for place holders in the Batcher
Build 3780; Fix for possible delay when closing the application
Build 3776; Fix for loading a too small image on a scaled monitor under macOS
Build 3776; Fix for database upgrade stalling on some macOS configurations
Build 3772; Fix to make SQLServer useable in SQLServer 2014 again
Build 3772; Fix for Version Detection in Sibling Folders
Build 3768; Fix for on Windows sometimes a mapped drive was created in PSU due to Windows reporting the folder as renamed
Build 3765; Fix for possible flickering thumbnails
Build 3762; Fix for possible startup exception on Windows when WPD can't be initialized
Build 3762; Fix for exception when editing watermarks without a watermark pre-selected
Build 3755; Fix for possible import exception in the Server Edition with SQLServer
Build 3755; Fix for sometimes incorrect "file changed" reporting in Verify Quick on SQLServer
Build 3755; Fix for possible Exception on application closure
Build 3755; Fix for possible "unique constraint violated" exception on first installation
Build 3755; Fix when adding a sub-collection then it wouldn't be accessible when no other sub-collection pre-existed
Build 3755; Fixed several possible Access Violations in the Batcher
Build 3755; Fix for sometimes getting duplicate areas on importing images that have both IPTC and MWG Regions in their metadata
Build 3755; Fix for mismatching a Catalog Label to a Area when multiple catalog labels exist with the same name as the area's caption
Build 3755; Fix for not using the configured Highlight color in the Light Table
Build 3755; Fix for the cache potentially overflowing in size in the Collection Viewer
Build 3755; Fix for reading DNG files as recorded with an Apple iPhone 6s using iOS10
Build 3717; Fix for when selecting a macro from the context menu in a detail editor field with multiple thumbs selected, then the field would not switch to "green" (edited)
Build 3717; Fix for row select/unselect in grid mode while holding down the Ctr/Cmd key
Build 3717; Fix for possible Access Violation
Build 3709; Fix for context menu sometimes not working when showing a collection in Grid mode
Build 3709; Fix for the not always working substring search from the search bar
Build 3705; Fix for possible shortcut execution on macOS while typing a combination that is also a shortcut
Build 3705; Fix for a newly created subfolder not appearing in the UI when created for a parent without pre-existing subfolders
Build 3705; Fix for not being able to change a label set as an Admin in the Server Edition
Build 3698; Fix for custom fields with drop down options
Build 3698; Fix for Shift+Click to multi-select thumbs not working when the Viewer is open on a second monitor
Build 3694; The Repository Service no longer raises an exception when the user is offline
Build 3685: Fix for "jumping" field labels in Image Details on macOS
Build 3685; Fix for possible image drawing quality loss in the Light Table
Build 3677; Fix for possible low-quality drawing after zooming in the Image Viewer
Build 3677; Fix for building a preview for Apple Pro DNG files when the preview size is set to 3200px
Build 3671; Fix for possible invalid "disconnected" medium state in Folders
Build 3667; Fix for possible low-quality drawing when using a low-res monitor resolution
Build 3657; Fix for showing the "multi-state button" in the Image Details for non-editable fields
Build 3653; Fix for opening an image with Recipe from the Viewer in the Adjust editor
Build 3649; Fix for editor type for the dwc:vernacularName field. This field is now a memo field
Build 3649; Fix for catalog label mapping to an element inside a XMP-structure-field. That would not be written when edited
Build 3645; Fix for path in message when the Mirror Folder doesn't exist in the Downloader
Build 3645; Fix for Access Violation
Build 3645; Fix for information message when adding an item in the Batcher
Build 3641; Fix for possible "Size range overflow" exception on startup
Build 3638; Fix for potential lock during database upgrade from V3 to V6
Build 3638; Fix for possible Access Violation
Build 3635; Fix for possible Access Violation when opening an image in the Viewer
Build 3635; Fix for possible application stall when removing a newly added effect from the Batcher
Build 3635; Fix for excluded "search text" not being applied to the result
Build 3635; Fix for disappearing cursor after switching away from the application and back
Build 3630; Fix for a potential database upgrade issue when upgrading an older Photo Supreme catalog to V6
Build 3627: Fix for needless writing empty XMP-schemas to the metadata, after the schema was emptied
Build 3625; Fix for renaming files which wouldn't rename sidecar XMP file when the rename rule leads to a new file name
Build 3622; Fix for slight offset positioning of counter's "hierarchical" pin
Build 3622; Fix for possible Access Violation in the Image Viewer when clicking a button from the editing bar while the bar is set as "unpinned"
Build 3622; Fix for possible Access Violation in Grid View when a large collection is open
Build 3622; Fix for not showing lookup text in the Info Panel for numeric XMP fields with lookup values
Build 3613; Fix for possible application stall while revoking an assigned catalog label
Build 3613; Fix for sometimes appearing "dots" in the Assignment number on thumbnails
Build 3608; Fix for "Best Fit" handling in the Light Table when running on a Scaled monitor resolution
Build 3608; Fix for not visible "Dimmed" state for a box in the Light Table on macOS
Build 3608; Fix for typo in the Dutch translations
Build 3608; Fix for possible "Access Violation"
Build 3602; Fix for setting date time zone offset in an image to +00:00
Build 3602; Fix for restoring last selected rating after restarting Photo Supreme
Build 3597; Fix for sometimes showing a subfolder indicator triangle when there is no sub folder
Build 3595; Fix for an application stall when using "Detect Labels" in the AI section of the Label Assignment Panel
Build 3593; Fix for possible off-counts numbers when a Catalog Filter is active
Build 3591; Fix for Quick Launch icons being misplaced after opening a non-image-format file
Build 3591; Fix for growing registry database file on macOS
Build 3591; Fix for some time zones showing wrong UTC offsets
Build 3591; Fix for time zone sorting in the Preferences
Build 3587; Fix for possible stall during Database Upgrades on macOS
Build 3583; Fix for unreachable editor content after adding a new element to a bag/sequence
Build 3581; Fix for slower counter results in the Catalog Explorer
Build 3579; Fix for value display of F-number/exposure/focal length in the Image Details Editor
Build 3579; Fix for caption font color after removing a color label
Build 3579; Fix for typo in the new "Fit Slide Show" Preference setting
Build 3579; Fix for "slideshow fit to screen" not always utilizing the full screen when scaling is set on macOS
Build 3575; Fix for performance drop when populating counts in Folders
Build 3571; Fix for possible stall when trying to delete items from the catalog that are part of version sets
Build 3571; Fix for possible stall in the Server Edition when the lock-screen comes in while a full screen image is being displayed
Build 3571; Some dark/light mode color fixes
Build 3571; Fix for possible "CPU" overloading on processors with a low number of cores
Build 3571; Fix for progress bar not showing when the same progress bar was finished earlier within the last 5 seconds of starting a new one
Build 3571; Fix for Verification results display handling when more results need to be displayed while previous results are still on-screen
Build 3571; Fix for possible stall when registry values are written in a background thread in the Single User for macOS
Build 3571; Fix for possible duplicate background Job execution
Build 3562; Fix for possible AV in Image Details
Build 3562; Fix for crash on macOS when an invalid or corrupt JPEG file is being loaded in the background
Build 3562; Fix for dark background in a Catalog Label's "Map to metadata" dialog
Build 3556; Fix for possible Access Violation when deleting from the Batcher a second time
Build 3556; Fix for XMP writing method: "Always as a sidecar file", which would still update IPTC-IIM
Build 3556; Fix for Access Violation when opening the Relationship dialog
Build 3549; Fix for when moving a file of type that normally has embedded metadata but using the "always XMP sidecar" preference setting, then the XMP wasn't moved with the file
Build 3548; Fix for match type for Album Display Placeholder not selectable in the Preferences
Build 3548; Fix for zoom drop down
Build 3548; Fix for slightly off thumb drawing in trackbars
Build 3548; Fix for possible "Groupservice Login error" when switching databases
Build 3548; Fix for when moving a read only DNG file wouldn't move an optionally existing XMP file with it
Build 3546; Fix for file path state not visually represented after changing the state
Build 3546; Fix for editing dc:title field
Build 3546; Fix for possible job service connection error when switching databases from inside the application
Build 3546; Fix for possible "database is locked" message in the Single User version when calling "Build missing thumbs and previews" while thumbs are being built already
Build 3541; Fix for the Search box in the Catalog Explorer that was not opening correctly
Build 3540: Fix for Access Violation when trying top open a drop down in the Preferences
Fix for possible unexpected error while running progress bars
Fix for text editing cursor shortcuts on macOS
Fix for callout positions in Batch and Adjust panels
Fix for plus:ImageSupplier field
Fix for plus:Licensor and plus:ImageCreator fields
Fix for plus:ImageSupplier, plus:ImageCreator, plus:Licensor, plus:Licensee, plus:EndUserDetail, and plus:CopyrightOwner fields
Fix for not creating catalog labels for existing keywords when the import profile is configured to create labels for Folder Names
Fix for showing last selected fields in Image Details after deselecting a thumb
Fix for non-functional Auto Level effect
Fix for updating time zone in Redate dialog
Fix for possible AV when closing Image Details panel
Fix when deleting the second File Type from the Dynamic Search, Favorite or Catalog Filter box
Fix for an Access Violation when deleting the second File Type from the Dynamic Search, Favorite or Catalog Filter box
Fix for blend mode-differences between Windows and macOS
Fix for possible circular loop when starting PSU Server Edition
Fix for non-functional mouse wheel scroll in the Preferences
Fix for partial text search on PostgreSQL
Fix for HTML tag display in the Catalog Tree's "smart search field"
Several fixes for possible Access Violations
Fix for loading CR2 previews
Fix for possible misalignment in the message dialog
Fix for loading files with the RAW file extension
Fix for filtering a collections with more than 3000 thumbs using a Filter Script
Fix for Zoom percentage input
Fix for possible full application stall
Fix for callout positions in Batch and Adjust panels
Fix for hanging IDimagerSU process when cancelling the login dialog
Fix for different blend mode results between Windows and macOS
Fix for possible incorrect empty filter result
Fix for possible on-screen mismatch with stacks when collection viewer is in "stacked" view